About Us

Our Mission

We strive to create a for profit chain of companies that will treat, locally, post-industrial and post-consumer rubbers (tires and non-tires). We intend to provide our customers and partners, best in class values, respectfully and honestly. We also intend to offer our employees meaningful opportunities to thrive while providing for their families. Above all, we commit to be socially and environment responsible, and contribute to greater material sustainability and economies on energy and natural resources, for future generations.

Our Vision

Our vision is to turn scrap rubber into engineered materials and products. We see ourselves as pioneers in advancing the Rubber Industry on technical matters. Still, to create real and drastic advances in rubber sustainability and reuse, we see other players in the industry and government bodies to have to be intimately involved.

Our Values

We Turn Scrap Tires into Engineered Materials and Products

No to incineration, crumb rubber gluing, landfilling: We reverse rubber cooking

We Reuse Materials to Save on Natural Resources for the Future Generations

Support recycling to save materials, energy, and the environment, and be good stewards on earth

Product Reuse

Do not throw away your worn products: We can refurbish them for other leases on life.

Rubber Recycling

We recoup rubbers from scrap products (like tires) to up-scale then turn them to new products.

Rubber Development

We develop materials from scrap rubbers for road paving, roofing, affordable housing, etc. 

Product Development

Consider refurbished rubber products and products made from recycled rubbers.

Meet Our Team

We are at your service with the most competent team in rubber sustainability and reuse.

Ben Chouchaoui

Product Engineer

Lucky Navaratne

Polymer Chemist

Elena Johnson

Manufacturing Engineer

Kevin Brown

CAD Specialist